lost ark

lost arklost ark
  1. This box is like ... the lost ark .


  2. Man has been searching for the lost ark .


  3. He prepared by saving the world in Raiders of the lost ark .


  4. Resting places of the lost ark .


  5. Leonard : I can 't believe you 've never seen Raiders of the Lost Ark .


  6. GL : Steven Spielberg will be directing Raiders of the Lost Ark , a film that will start production this spring .


  7. Raiders of the Lost Ark is a 1981 American action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg , produced byGeorge Lucas , and starring Harrison Ford .


  8. the company has helped with costuming for films including Saving Private Ryan , Lord of the Rings , The Last Samurai and Indiana Jones : Raiders of the Lost Ark .


  9. We 're all enthralled by adventure . We love to read and watch movies about other people 's journeys , real or imagined . The Hobbit . Raiders of the Lost Ark . Into Thin Air .


  10. The scene 's vulgarity recalls Indiana Jones 's jokily shooting a sword-wielding Arab in " Raiders of the Lost Ark , " proving yet again that what looks new in Mr. Besson 's work is invariably old .


  11. The film is directed by the masterful Steven Spielberg , so it should be a good one , since he has a great history with making great sci-fi and adventure films ( E.T. , Jaws , Raiders of The Lost Ark , Indiana Jones , Jurassic Park , etc. ) .
